THIS... is Demoman and Soldier from Team Fortress 2...
In TF2 theres two of everyone in 9 classes and they're seperated evenly by team.
There's a RED team(reliable excavation demolition), and BLU team(builders league united). Everyone looks the same on both teams. They're basically hired to kill eachother n stuff 4 money w respawn stuf yada yada yada!! TF2 is a GAME, a series of COMICS, tf2 is a lot. blalaa if u wanna look more into tf2 go 2 da official website!!
anyways we're not talking abt the other characters (even though theyr COOL...) we're talking about the RED DEMOMAN and the BLU SOLDIER!!!!!!!!

The WAR! update was a week long in and out of game competition in 2009 for SOLDIER and DEMOMAN.In game, there was a kill count (if you kill the other class. soldiers kill demos. demos kill soldiers. kills against other characters did not affect the count) if you played either character and at the end of the week whichever class got more kills got an extra item (as they both got items at the beginning n stuff i think). Soldier players ended up winning and got a pair of GUNBOATS, which r boots that lower fall damage when rocket jumping. (Soldier players ofen use their rocket launchers 2 LAUNCH themslevs everywhere.. but theres self damag, i hope you guys know im so doodoo at TF2 I LOVE tf2 but my god i am not a gamer.)There was also a propaganda art contest outside game and it was SUPER COOL.
ANYWAYS at the beginning of the update they released a comic, in the comic it's "revealed" they've been hanging outside of work taking pictures and are now VERY GOOD FRIENDS!
The administrator (announcer lady who yells at you in game.tells you if u win or lose) tells her assistant miss pauling(young lady who gives you missions/contracts in game) to go sort it out because them being friends is AGAINST CONTRACT!(apparently...) So they go to each mercenary (oh yeah btw they're mercenarys cause they're kiling eachother for money yea) seperatly and tell them to kill their friends for money. and then when they say no they LIE to them about stuff and convince them to say yes. go read it.
BEFORE the update there were FRIENDLY-ISH DOMINATION VOICE LINES from Soldier and Demo to EACHOTHER. (Domination in the game is when you kill the same person 4 times in a row, this would trigger a taunting voice line. Usually one character bullying the other character. its very funny !)

now im going to talk about why they make me